
Showing posts from March, 2013

EUR/NZD long

Short-term the Kiwi is ripe for a consolidation I think. Not a big margin though, more or less 100 pips. Edit 22.03.2013 13:55 Moved as expected :) Edit 25.03.2013 15:18 I can't believe I am entering this trade again...

Through Rio's skyline in a wingsuit!

This is unreal, you gotta love it!!! :))) Thank you Jokke Sommer and Ludovic Woerth! You shifted the possible!

Confiscation in Cyprus

So, what happened in Cyprus last week? Let's see. As far as I understood... - Money was frozen on the accounts, no transfers out were possible. - Part of the money was confiscated - There was or would have been a sort of bank run These are the excrements of a totally corrupt system. A system so complex, the sheeples don't understand it, the politicians don't understand it, nobody understands it. Again, the responsible people get away, politicians kick the can, same old same old. But no, let's vote for more politics, more regulation, more centralization of power, all the ingredients that have led us into these disasters and worse.

Time to get cautious?

I am looking at these charts: Be careful people, even though Bernanke et al. are printing to infinity! I would like to see a correction.

Thank you, Tyler Durden!

I totally agree!

Silver stabilized

Silver looks stabilized for the moment. I think it will appreciate to about 29.65/30.00 before deciding what's next.